
Who we are, What we do and Why we do it

“Our soul mission is to help people feel less stressed, more confident and experience greater happiness in life.”

Meet Sharnelle.

- The visionary founder of She Feels.

Hi! I'm Sharnelle. 

I believe everything happens for a reason, and that we all have the power to create our own reality, even when we feel completely lost and don’t know what to do anymore. So, I share my story with you in the hope that She Feels can empower you, to dive deep into self-discovery and create a life that aligns with your desires. 

As humans, we constantly evolve and grow, and we have to remember no one is perfect. I continue to do the inner work on myself so that I can navigate the highs and lows of life, and I hope to inspire you to do the same. 

My journey started when I found myself feeling lost, unsatisfied and searching for something more meaningful. And guess what I found? - I found mindfulness and a new way of life. It started by getting on a yoga mat, loving the physical aspects of yoga and not really knowing what all the spirituality was about, but soon enough, meditation and breathwork became pillars of my life and everything changed. I learnt how to manage my nervous system, I learnt tools that helped me to feel calm, feel more energised and feel grounded.

I used to numb my feelings by pushing them down, turning to food and alcohol as comfort and distracting myself from the busyness of life. My journey started with a passion for physical health, but it wasn't until I stumbled upon mindfulness that I truly uncovered the power of the breath and mind.

I've faced my battles; years of struggling with disordered eating and a turbulent relationship with my body image, always seeking a happiness I could never fulfil. But here's the beautiful truth I've uncovered: it was within me all along.

With the invaluable guidance of holistic wellness professionals, I embarked on a transformational journey of yoga, mindfulness, breathwork and coaching. 

For many years I felt an internal struggle, I was surviving on the outside but on the inside I was….

Burnt out, hungover, unable to be still with my own thoughts, emotional eating, restricting and then binge eating, putting my self-worth down to how I looked, never truly happy in one place, felt highly stressed, not able to get out of bed in the mornings, feeling very low, fatigued and extremely tired all of the time, no motivation to do anything, nervous to be myself and I didn’t feel confident in who I was. I wasn’t fun enough, clever enough or good enough. That’s what I thought anyway.

I was exhausted and I didn’t know what to do.

The moment I knew I had hit rock bottom?

I felt exhausted, my mind in overdrive, I was lying in bed, surrounded by empty packets of food, uncontrollably crying. My nervous system was in fight or flight constantly, I had gone into this unconscious, numb-inducing binge, and something had awoken me out of it and screamed STOP! This was my message to change. 

I was already going to yoga classes yet I knew that there was more. I had to dive deeper into the underlying pain and what was causing me these problems. I knew if I carried on like this I would end up getting worse, my mental and physical health was being affected. My mind and my body were exhausted and were screaming at me to make a change. 

I realised I had to take back control of my health, my life, and my happiness. I just didn’t know what that looked like so I reached out for help.

I knew that I was ready to make the shift, I just needed the support and guidance. I began to heal. I had coaching and it helped me move through my stuckness and out of my darkness. I learnt mindset tools, and uncovered what it was that made me happy, what it was that I really needed.

So, I followed my heart.

I wondered who I was and what my purpose was. Coaching helped me come back to myself and find the answers.

During my healing time, I completed a 200hr yoga teacher training and began teaching straight away and loved it. But after a few years, I noticed that many students were struggling with stress, anxiety, a lack of self-love, turbulent relationships with body image and a yearning for ease, confidence and joy.

My heart was determined to help people by making a big difference in their lives, so I decided to become a life coach. Over the years I continued to study more and integrated my learnings into my own life. I completed breathwork facilitator training, an accredited life coaching course, and more yoga and meditation teacher trainings. I read, attended and consumed everything that was personal development and spirituality so that I could learn and share.

My life used to be out of balance, I was always looking externally for happiness, acceptance and approval. I experienced extreme emotional highs and lows, I was on a constant rollercoaster ride.

I wondered how many people were out there struggling with similar feelings and symptoms and not knowing where to get help. So that’s why I decided that it would be my mission to help those who felt a similar way.

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  • A Powerful 10 Minute Daily Breathwork Practice

  • Valuable Tools To Feel Confident, Happy and Less Stressed

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My intention is to empower you to live the life that you want to and to feel how you want to.

To invite in a holistic approach to your life, so that all areas are nourishing you and that you fall in love with life again. 

Imagine waking up and walking through your day feeling confident, inspired and happy.  

The support I received from holistic wellness professionals was invaluable on my path. From yoga to meditation, breathwork to life coaching, I delved deeper into understanding myself.

I want to guide you towards knowing yourself intimately, using ancient wisdom and science backed techniques, enabling you to navigate your own nervous system and craft a life that truly serves you.

You possess the creative power within, and sometimes, we just need a little nudge in the right direction. 

Life is a journey meant to be lived, cherished, and celebrated. I hope you know that a life where you feel joy, calm, confidence and happiness is right within your reach. 

So, are you ready? At She Feels we will guide you, to fall in love with yourself, and inspire you to look after your mind, your body and your soul.

I can’t wait to work with you and see you grow.

Sharnelle X


  • Life Coaching ICF Accredited Course, UK – The Happiness Explorer

  • SOMA Breathwork Teacher and facilitator, Ibiza – SOMA

  • 200hr Traditional Hatha Yoga TT, The Practice Bali

  • Flow Dance Meditation Facilitator Training, Ibiza - FDM

  • 100hr Advanced teacher training, Bali – Dylan Ayaloo & Sandra Robinson

  • Reformer Pilates, Frame London – The Reformer Studio

  • Movement Principles TT, Balanced Body UK

  • Hands-on Assisting YTT, Ibiza – Dylan Ayaloo

  • 200hr Power Yoga Teacher Training, UK – Dylan Ayaloo

  • Tantric Massage, London - Tara Yoga Centre

  • Swedish Body Massage, Nottingham - Therapy Training School

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