SOMA Breathwork explained

There is nothing that get’s me feeling present like SOMA Breath does! It is one of my favourite practices to do, and I love sharing it with others too.

SOMA Breath is a practice that combines rhythmic breathing, breath holds, and brainwave music to take you into a deep state of relaxation and awareness. 

Using the power of the breath you can unlock the creative potential of your mind to think beyond its own limits. 


The combination of breathing and brainwave music is very unique and a wonderful combination. SOMA Breath’s overall mission is to empower people with knowledge, tools, and techniques to make positive and lasting change in their lives.

SOMA Breath is a complete holistic system of Pranayama (breathing) techniques, which can be arranged into different sequences depending on the intention of the session you are attending. The techniques have the power to transform someone even down to a cellular level.

There is no one size fits all, and SOMA take’s into account the fact that everyone is different and requires different breathing techniques depending on their needs.


Picture this: you're having a hectic day, your to-do list seems never-ending, and the world is buzzing around you at a million miles an hour. In the midst of this chaos, there's this little pocket of peace you can create for yourself, and that's where Soma Breath comes in.

First, find a comfortable position, lieing down or seated.

Now, close your eyes. Let go of the endless stream of thoughts about deadlines, errands, and responsibilities.

Inhale slowly and deeply through your nose for 1,2,3,4 - feeling your lungs expand. As you do, imagine that you're inhaling not just oxygen, but also a sense of calm and tranquility.

Then, exhale slowly and completely for 1,2,3,4 - releasing all the tension and stress that may have been clinging to you. Imagine that with each exhale, you're letting go of all the worries and negativity.

Repeating this process for a few minutes and then taking a full breath in and holding that breath for a few seconds, and in that pause, appreciate the beauty of simply being alive. Then fully exhale, and hold the breath out for a few seconds, taking a pause on life. Then return to your inhale for 1,2,3,4.


Each breath in is a chance to recenter yourself, to find balance amidst the chaos of the world. Each exhale is a release, a shedding of the unnecessary weight you carry with you.

As you engage in Soma Breath, you'll notice something incredible happening. Your heart rate starts to slow down, your shoulders relax, and that knot in your stomach begins to unravel. It's like a mini holiday for your mind and body, a retreat from the hustle and bustle of daily life.

In essence, Soma Breath is about mindfulness and being present in the moment. It's a simple practice that reminds us to appreciate the small joys in life.

So, next time you're feeling overwhelmed, give Soma Breath a try. It's a gift you can give yourself, a few moments of peace in a chaotic world. After all, life is a beautiful journey, and it's the little moments of stillness that make the ride worthwhile.




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